About Lynn

Meet Your Coach...

  Hi! Ilynn-purple suit’m Lynn Himmelman (B.Sc., B.Mus.), owner & chief CEO of Life
  Enhancement Essentials®. I have invested 50 years into self-exploration
  and formal study of modalities which promote a healthy body, mind,
  and spirit.

  In 1997 I had the good fortune of being introduced to a masterful
  process that helped me quickly unravel and neutralize years of
  emotional trauma that, up until that point, had seemed impossible
  for me to overcome. The unexpected turnaround of deeply troubling
  experiences related to my past inspired me to transition from a well-
  loved career as an opera singer and embrace New Decision TherapyTM
  as the nucleus of my life's work.

  You can read a bit of my personal story here.

During the past 25 years, thousands of clients have entrusted me with accelerating their
healing and personal transformation through the powerful synergy of forgiving those who
have hurt them and learning to let go, and even laugh, in the face of adversity.

I am fully committed to doing as much as I possibly can to make a difference for anyone who
is feeling maxed out, stuck, disappointed, at their wits end, like I used to be.

Some amazing guides & teachers have graced my life. They gave me renewed hope when I
couldn’t find any, a belief in myself when I had given up, and didn’t want to live, and an
awakening & transformation as a result of their wise and steady counsel.

It is thanks to each of them that I dive enthusiastically into each new day, passing the wisdom
forward so that anyone who feels ready can joyfully blossom into living their personal best too.

If any of this speaks to you, then call me, tell me what’s troubling you and what changes you
would like to see happen in your life. Let’s figure out together the best way for you to get
started so that you are living a life you love to wake up for.

I’m here to support you all the way!

With love and light,                                    

To contact me directly:
416-469-2033 (landline)


©1997-2025 Lynn Himmelman | Life Enhancement Essentials® | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | http://www.yourlifetransformed.ca

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