Laughter Training & Certification

happy leaders x 5


2025 Dates coming soon

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November 30-December 1, 2024

Saturday & Sunday, 9:30am-6:00pm

led by Lynn Himmelman
Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher

Laughte is an instant vacation.
--Milton Berle

"Laughing for no reason is the best way to preserve
your sanity." Lively Laughing Lynn 2022

Laughter is "the best medicine" and the most fun!
Learn to LEAD this popular
 new and hilarious way
to integrate body, mind and spirit using simple
laughter exercises, gentle yoga breathing, and
enhanced relaxation.


"...infectious and super inspiring!"

This experience has been amazing!!! This awesome training has opened my eyes to how well laughter relieves stress - it's helped me so much in the last couple of days. I'm very excited to take all that I've learned to my clients so that they can lean on this as a tool too to bring lightness and energy into their day and shift their vibe at any time.

I'm very grateful for learning from Lynn. Her years of experience and her light-hearted nature is infectious and super inspiring. I can say with confidence that you will have a great time if you too embrace the opportunity to become a laughter yoga leader. Go for it!

Kelsey Corey
Emotional Fitness Coach





     ðŸ˜Š Training & practice of 40 Foundation Laughter Exercises

     ðŸ˜Š Guidelines on how to create your own Laughter Yoga Exercises

     ðŸ˜Š Background and history of Laughter Yoga

     ðŸ˜Š Guidance in starting, running, and maintaining a Laughter Yoga Club

     ðŸ˜Š Business options to explore as a Laughter Yoga Professional

     ðŸ˜Š Hours & hours of hilarious, transforming Laughter

     ðŸ˜Š Meaningful connections with the other participants

     ðŸ˜Š Connection to a global movement spreading peace with laughter

     ðŸ˜Š Dr. Kataria's revised Laughter Yoga Leader Training Manual

     ðŸ˜Š An official Certificate from Laughter Yoga International in India

     ðŸ˜Š An easily usable skill that brings happiness & joy to all




      Tuition for Laughter Yoga Training with Certification

        *NOTE: All fees are subject to change without notice.  

$500 + 13% hst = $565 CAD
         Register with a friend and each save $40: $500-$40 + 13% hst = $519.80 CAD/person 

       BONUSES worth $120 CAD:

       Optional Bonus #1: 4 Free Laughter classes - in person or online
                                         (Value $80 CAD)

       Optional Bonus #2: 6 months Prozone membership with Laughter Yoga International
                                         (Value $40 CAD)
**Early Registration advised as there are limited spots for this training

       "A day without Laughter is a day wasted."
  Charlie Chaplin


Secure your "Laughter Certification Weekend" NOW!


Attending this training is as good as giving yourself a vacation.  Just like a vacation, you’ll be able to unplug from the sharp-edged stresses of dealing with difficult people and life situations and come away with an emotional and mental reboot.

Milton Berle has been quoted as saying:  “Laughter is like an instant vacation.”

And I would add to that . . . “It has the same payoffs when the laughing continues to the point where you’ve completely lost track of why you started laughing in the first place and it feels so good you don’t want it to stop!” 

Want some of that for yourself?  Then this is the place to get it - hands down!

Secure your spot here

The benefits of practicing Laughter Yoga that are being reported by

scientific evidence & word of mouth testimonies are very impressive.


Here’s a short list of benefits.

This is just the tip of the iceberg!

😊 less stress

😊 fewer worries & anxieties

😊 feeling more relaxed

😊 better sleeps

😊 reduced aches & pains

😊 more harmonious relationships

😊 surges of inspired creativity

😊 stronger immune system

😊 more energy

😊 greater self-confidence

😊 a more positive outlook

😊 feeling lighter & happier

😊 having more fun day to day

With the help of intensive group laughter experiences throughout the weekend you'll likely leave behind some burdensome mental and emotional baggage as well as release deep-seated body tension.  And all by simply exploding into uncensored, unconditional giggles and guffaws in a marathon fashion quite unlike your common-place relationship with laughter which, after this, will seem ordinary and limited in comparison.

There’s probably never been a time in your life when you have devoted 16 hours to immersing yourself in laughter, to the point where you get to know all the hues, dimensions, innuendos and dynamics of it. 

There are, more than likely, dormant facets of laughter living inside of you that are just screaming to be expressed. 

That’s what you’re going to get to do in this training, and so much more!

Plus you’ll come away with an inventory of new ways to inspire others to laugh as well.


A Weekend Vacation full of fun & upliftment gives you

a Lifetime Vocation spreading happiness & joy!

©1997-2025 Lynn Himmelman | Life Enhancement Essentials® | Toronto, Ontario, Canada |

When registration opens and tuition specials are being released you will 

hear about it first!